*5 Foods you Must eat for Beautiful Healthy Shiney Hair and Skin

*5 Foods you Must eat for Beautiful Healthy Shiney Hair and Skin

Believe it or not, eating healthy contributes to hair growth and overall maintenance. Now, this doesn’t mean that you have to change your entire diet, but to just be more cautious of your food intake as you cook, meal prep, or even order take out. Below are the most highly ranked (by health specialists) hair/skin healthy foods that you should consider eating on a consistent basis. These foods provide access to to Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Vitamin D and A, potassium, sulfur, and anti-toxins. If you have any further questions, please feel to comment below!

-Fatty fish
-Bell Peppers
-Collard Greens
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How to maintain Naturally Curly Hair without looking dry and brittle

Product of week Jane Carter: Nourish & Shine